Welcome to 2018

Post date: Jan 6, 2018 2:05:03 PM

A belated Happy New Year to you all. 

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and have not overdone it too much. 2018 is here and I thought I would email you with our upcoming events. Whilst I will try and regularly email you if you want to be up to date then either join our Facebook/Twitter groups (details on the Contact us Page of our website) or click on our upcoming events page on our website. 

Upcoming - First meeting of the Year

Our first meeting of 2018 is Tuesday 7th February and this meeting we will celebrate our 7th year of meetings. It will be at St John's Church Hall from 1.30pm till 3.30pm. Seeing as it is our Birthday we are going to hold a small celebration. So we are hoping to hold a small raffle and nibbles session. If I can ask you to bring something along that would be amazing, however, please do not worry if you can't we would much prefer to see you. I am hoping to make/get a Birthday cake. The other thing about the meeting is I want the topic to be aimed at celebrating you. So was wondering if you could bring in something you like to do to relax/chill/wind down or just enjoy doing to share and possibly show others that would be amazing. Examples could be knitting, card making, or bringing in your favorite book/song for us to listen to.

Upcoming  - First Coffee Morning - Come join Gemma on Valentines!

On Wednesday the 14th February, I would love you to join me (Baby Rebecca and Bailey the dog) at my house for a chat, cuppa and a biscuit from 10.30AM until around midday. Let me know if you plan to come along and I will let you know my address.

Help needed - Committee members

To help the group remain successful we need help and are in need of committee members who can help with the group either at our meetings or away from them. Please visit our Can you help page (http://www.cfsunite.co.uk/online-events/meet-the-team/can-you-help) for more details and roles we are looking to fill.

All our other upcoming events are on the website page (http://www.cfsunite.co.uk/meetings/upcoming-events)  but to give you a taster, there will be a quiz in May, belated Xmas meal in April and BBQ in August to name a few things. 

 Really looking forward to seeing you. Hope you are recovering from the festivities. 

Love and hugs Gemma