
Post date: May 3, 2011 9:01:08 AM

Hi Peeps,


It is May, which is ME Awareness month. Here at Chronic Fatiguer's Unite, we are using this month as Chronic Fatigue Awareness Month. There are lots coming up so here it goes;


1. MeetingsOur next local meet up is Tuesday 10th May 2011, 13.30-15.30pm at St John's Church Hall. Because it is our Chronic Fatigue Awareness week the meeting is a PJ Party theme, where we will be dressing up in our PJ's and slippers. This should be a giggle, however if you are not comfortable coming in your PJ's, you do not have to, or you can bring them with you and change at the hall.  Also, the first few meetings were designed to be very relaxed to help us get to know one another. As off June there will be a little more structure with the 2 hour slot being broken down into 3 sections; where we will begin with a session of catching up on news and gossip etc, and finishing off with plans for the next month. The middle of the session, will each month be designated on a topic we want to discuss, for example we can discuss a certain feeling or feelings, or activities and so on, For example, topics such as diet, exercise, resting, guilt, depression, frustration, support, mobility, and so on, This will also be where guest speakers can come along and have a chat to us. If there is a particular topic you would like covered, please let me know on the questionnaire attached. 


2. Penfriends/Chums/Text ChumsFor those of you who have ticked yes to the Penfriend/Chum scheme, you should receive your new penfriends details the first week of May. If you have changed your mind and you would like to be taken of the list or added to the list please let me know by the end of this week. For those of you who are carers, please bear with us, we do not have enough names to run a penfriend scheme yet but hope to do so in the future, please accept our apologies for this.   3. Questionnaire

Attached (below) is a new questionnaire, this is for us to see what we can do to help you  also provide us with information that can show us what you want to receive by joining our group. By filling in this questionnaire and returning it to us, we can then structure the group to meet your needs and probable others as well. We would really appreciate it if you can take a moment to fill it in. 


4. NewsletterFinally, our aim is to get out our first newsletter on the 1st June 2011, if any of you would like to write an article for us, please get it to me with photos (if possible) by the 10th May.  

I think that is it for now, thank you all again for all your brilliant support and kindness.


The CFU Team x