Upcoming for July!

Post date: Jul 1, 2013 7:31:15 PM

Hooray summer is here! Hopefully for longer than a few days. I hope you are all keeping cool in this warm spell we are having. 

Our next meeting is Tuesday at 1.30pm at St John's Church Hall. Hope you can join us for a catch up and chat/topic discussion.  There will also be a raffle so please bring prizes if you can. 

Also a couple of dates for you;

Tuesday 16th July we are hoping to hold our monthly coffee morning from 10.30am, location to be confirmed,

Sunday 7th July (This Saturday) is the Carol Olorenshaw Memorial Football Match at Assington Green from 9am raising funds for cancer Research and CFS Unite, do come along and bring a picnic and share a lovely sunny Sunday together. 


Finally SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR NEXT QUIZ!!!!! Saturday 26th October at St John's Church Hall from 2pm!!!.

Finally newsletter is finished and been sent to the printers ready for tomorrow, also a PDF can be found on our Newsletters page or below.  

Lots of gentle hugs

Gemma X