
Post date: Apr 19, 2013 11:42:07 AM


Hope you are keeping as well as can be expected? I am so pleased the nights are getting lighter and the weather is warmer as I was beginning to think winter was never going to end.

First to note, as of Sunday 28th April, I will have moved so please do not send anything to my old address on Felixstowe Road, I have no new address at the moment, as we have decided to move back in with our parents for a while, if in the meantime you do want to send anything to the group please email me and I will let you know my temporary address. Once we find a new place and I have a permenant address I will let you know.

Next Tuesday 23rd is our next coffee morning, it is at an earlier time of 10am till 11.30 and will be held at one of our members houses, we ask for a donation of £2, coffee and refreshement are provided so please do come along, If you need the address please contact me and I will pass it on to you. Hope you can make it.

Our next meeting is Tuesday 7th May at St John's Church, 1.30pm till 3.30pm, we have now finished our topic on relationships and will b e looking at diet over the next coming months. Plus there will be our bring and buy sale available, so please do take a look.

Finally just a reminder to SAVE THE DATE, for Saturday 1st June which is our QUIZ, starts at 2pm at St John's Church hall, it is £2.50 per person, with teams of 6, so please do let friends and family know and come along. It starts at 2pm and there will be refreshments and a small raffle on the day.

Take care and hope to see you soon.


Gemma x