Thank you and here's to the future!

Post date: Aug 1, 2015 1:43:55 PM

Hi all, 

I hope this email finds you as well as can be and I hope you are enjoying the summer, what we are having of it. I would like to start with an apology, I am sorry that recently  our emails and other events have been very few and far between. As most of you know I went back to work 4 years ago, and was lucky enough 2 years ago to retrain as a teacher. I have now just completed my first full year a s a qualified teacher and whilst I am thrilled, I will admit it has been a tough ride and I have spent most of my free time exhausted. A lot of my social life and other responsibilities have had to take a back seat whilst I have adapted to my new role and I hope I am nearly at the stage where I have organised my time effectively and that I can now start taking on some of the stuff I have had at a back burner, with my first focus being the group. 

The group has continued to run really well in my absence and I am so proud of our committee and our members who have supported each other and helped to make the group to continue. There is especially heartfelt thanks to Lisa, David P, Alison and Lynn, who have helped with all the monthly sessions and the coordinating of events and a massive thanks to all of our CFS Unite family for being so supportive and for being there. 

In the near future my plans are to arrange with Lisa a date for one of our fantastic quizzes and let you know this asap and due to popular demand I am planning to relaunch our newsletter, however due to work load this will relaunch as a 6 monthly release instead of our previous quarterly editions. 

Finally, please remember we are here to support you and I hope to see you in the near future. 

Just a reminder for our upcoming meeting dates: 

Tuesday 4th August from 1.30 till 3.30pm, where to celebrate summer we will be brining nibbles and holding a summer raffle.

Saturday 15th August from 10.30am till 12.30am. 

Both of these are still held at St John's Church on Cauldwell Hall Road. Everyone is welcome and I hope to see you soon. 

Have a lovely summer and I hope to be in touch again soon. Thank you again for your patience and your support. 

Love and gentle hugs Gemma x.