May updates, newsletter info and other stuff.

Post date: May 26, 2011 2:50:35 PM

Hi Peeps,


I cannot believe it is nearly the end of May already, and less then 2 weeks till our next meet up, where is the

time going.


I have now completed the Chronic Fatiguer's Unite first ever newsletter. It has been sent of to our proof reader and should be returned by the end of the week ready for dispatch on the 31st by post, and for the 1st by email. It will also be posted onto our website so people can download it if they are not members or are not on our mailing list. I truly hope you enjoy it, and would love any feedback (good or bad) so I can ensure that over time the newsletters only improve and meet our members needs. Thanks to all the people who submitted articles and photos and also to our proof readers for taking the time to check my work.


In other news, I have booked the hall hire up to october 2011, so I can now confirm the dates of our next few meetings;

 7th June

5th July

2nd August

6th September

4th October

As always these sessions run on a Tuesday afternoon, 13.30-15.30pm at St John's Church Hall, Cauldwell Hall Road, Ipswich, IP4 4QE.

Also, a good friend of mine had a brilliant idea of asking local businesses to sponsor us for the hire of the church hall, I looked into it and currently we have been sponsored for our June session and our August session. This will really help our group as it means any donation we receive can go towards the group and fundraising rather then the hall hire. If anyone knows of a business/company thay may wish to sponsor us then please pass on my contact details to them or their contact details to me.


Finally, when we began our first meeting, some people said they would appreciate guest speakers. In August I have arranged for Jencare Mobilty ltd to come to our meeting and do a short display on mobility aids that could be useful. There will be a chance to try some equipment out and have a little play. For more information please visit either our helpful links page or visit their website If you contact them please let them know you were recommended by us.  

Well that is it for now. Hope everyone has been enjoying the lovely weather we have been having. It is raining as I type this but you know what I mean :).


Gentle hugs and best wishes


Gemma X

The CFS Unite team.