Lots of events for 2018!

Post date: Jan 29, 2018 2:46:27 PM

Where has January gone? Someone said to me the other day that "This time last month was Christmas Day" and I thought "Wow Christmas seems like ages ago, not just a month". Time is just flying by. With that in mind I wanted to share all the things we have planned for 2018; from our monthly meetings, coffee mornings to our Summer BBQ and I am delighted to announce that this year we will be holding 2 of  our popular quizzes.

A summary of all the events we are holding up until August are in the image below, but I will draw your attention to the files attached which are posted for our Monthly Meetings and our 2 Quizzes as well as a PDF of the image of upcoming events.  For all our events for 2018 please visit our Upcoming Events Page.


I will be emailing all our members this information and will be printing out posters for our meetings.

We will also be doing a big advertising campaign soon to inform people that we are here! I will be in contact asking for people to help prepare the envelopes with the information and also help with delivering them

In the meantime, if you wish to print of a poster and share it then we invite you to do so.

See you all on the 7th February for our Monthly Meeting where we will celebrate our 7th Birthday.

Love and gentle hugs

Gemma x