Happy New Year

Post date: Jan 9, 2016 5:36:59 PM

Wow where has the year gone already, I have blinked and 9 days have flown by. 

We have already begun our 2016 plans with our first meeting of the year taking place on Tuesday 5th and now we will begin preparing for the year ahead. At this moment in time we have confirmed all the Tuesday meetings which if you click here you can see the dates and we also have details of a Pancake breakfast taking place on Saturday 20th February at Alan Road Methodist Church, details of which can be found on our upcoming events page. 

In the year ahead we hope to run some Saturday coffee meet ups, quizzed and there is talk of another CFS Unite party, all details to be confirmed. 

Plus on the 1st February we celebrate our 5th year of running. This is something I am incredibly proud of and feel blessed to be a member of such a wonderful group. 

With this in mind, I can only hope that 2016 is the year where things improve for our members. I pray often that healing comes and that this will be the year we can find the cure for all fatigue illnesses. I wish you all a happy and healthier new year. 

Best wishes and gentle hugs

Gemma X