Coffee Morning Dates

Post date: Mar 11, 2013 4:04:04 PM


At the time of writing it is snowing outside my window and is freezing, so I write our blog under layers of duvet, with a hot water bottle under my feet. I cannot believe we have snow in March and last week I was out in the sunshine warm and drinking tea, what a difference in a week. I hope you are keeping warm and staying safe.


Coffee mornings

Due to the success of our previously held coffee mornings, we are aiming to hold a coffee morning every month, and have already got some dates confirmed over the next few months, our next one is Wednesday 20th March - 10am till mid-day and will be at my house, please contact me for my address should you need it. For other dates we now have a coffee morning dates page, click here to visit the page and save the dates, locations will be updates as soon as they have been confirmed.  

Monthly meeting

Our next monthly meeting at St John's Church hall is Tuesday 2nd April, 1.30pm till 3.30pm. For this session we will be continuing our discussion on relationships and skills to gain confidence. There will also be a raffle, which is £1 a strip. If you have anything you wish to donate as a prize, please bring it with you on the day. Also in celebration of Easter, we will be holding an Easter Bonnet competition, so get your creative juices flowing and bring along a decorated hat, it is £1 per entry and there will be a prize for the winner.


Keep warm, keep safe and take care. 



Gemma X

Location - under the duvet probably eating cake.