AGM what was discussed and upcoming,

Post date: Nov 9, 2013 2:10:17 PM

In our monthly meeting on Tuesday 5th November, we held our AGM, below is a summary of what was discussed. For those of you who were unable to attend the meeting on November 5th, here is a quick recap.

We had the AGM and the new committee members were voted in: Gemma R, David P, Lynn D, Julie S, Alison M, Lisa W, Christine C, Andrew J, Miranda C and Kimberley P. Gemma was re-elected chairperson. 

Lisa spoke about the fund raising events for the past year and how we need to raise funds to keep the group running. 

In other news upcoming dates are;

Tuesday 19th November - Coffee Morning from 10.30am at David’s house. Refreshments provided, we ask for £2 donation to help towards running the group, (if you need address contact us).

Saturday 30th November – Table Top from 11am till 3pm

St John’s Church Hall. Free entry for all! Plenty of stalls to see including; bric-&-brack, home-made cards, flower arranging; books, jewellery and much more. There will be refreshements and cakes available. Please do join us. 

Tuesday 12th December - CFU Christmas meal, at The Swallow Inn, Ransomes Europark from 1pm. Menu and prices pictured. We require a deposit of £5 which needs to be paid to us in cash or by cheque as soon as possible. Please let us know if you can join us. 

Tuesday 3rd December –CFU Monthly meeting at St John’s Church Hall, Cauldwell Hall Road from 1.30 – 3.30pm. This month we will be holding a raffle and invite you to bring nibbles to share the afternoon festivities. 

Finally a polite reminder there will be no monthly meeting in January 2014. 

Keep warm and well

Gemma x