2017 - the plans ahead

Post date: Jan 18, 2017 8:36:45 PM

Happy belated New Year! I hope 2017 is the year where you can dream big and achieve those things you wish for in life.

For all our local memebers on our mailing list I have recently sent you an email, if you did not receive it please can you email me to confirm details.

Below is a summary for some of our plans for the year ahead........Let 2017 commence.

Monthly Meetings

Our regular Tuesday meetings will begin on Tuesday 7th February. We will be 6 years old! These meetings run on the first Tuesday or every month from 1.30pm till 3.30pm and we aim to provide you the chance to meet others, talk, share experiences and on occasion we have guest speakers. For a full list of 2017 dates these can be found on our website - http://www.cfsunite.co.uk/local-events/monthly-meeting-dates.

Socials, Saturday meetings and Coffee Mornings

This year, every few months we will host a Saturday meeting where a CFU representative will be available at a coffee shop or alternative location to meet for a cuppa and chat, these will run from 10.30am till Midday with our first one in March 2017.

Now that I have a house (finally) and David has kindly offered his again our coffee mornings will be back in 2017. Our first one is scheduled for Tuesday 14th February and will be at mine. If you fancy coming along please let me know and I will email/text you the address. There will be cake to celebrate CFS Unite birthday but also my own so would love for you to come along. Plus I will make sure I have done the housework so you can come and take a look at my house. Please note I do have a dog. For other dates please check out our upcoming events page on the website - http://www.cfsunite.co.uk/meetings/upcoming-events

Quizzes - we also hope to hold a quiz or two later on in the year. I will confirm dates once I know more details and I have save the date for a CFS Unite BBQ which is Sunday 6th August.

Newsletter - I am about to being our first newsletter in a few years ready to be published for our 6th birthday!. Due to work commitments this will be a quarterly publication and will consist primarily as an e-newsletter. However, if you really want a printed copy then kindly let me know and I will add you to the postal newsletter. For our first issue, I have a favour. Seeing as we will be 6 years old I would like to include your experiences of CFS Unite. What does CFU mean for you,have you any good memories from the group you would like to share or anything about the group. I will only publish these using a first name only, however if you prefer for it to be anonymous please let me know when you send it to me.  Also if you have anything you would like to publish in the newsletter please send it to me.

I apologise the first email to you of 2017 is a long one but lots to update you on. I look forward to our journey in 2017 and hope to see you soon.


Kind regards, best wishes and gentle hugs

Gemma x