Fibromyalgia (FM)

Fibromyalgia is usually enlisted in the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Spectrum alongside ME. FM is a widespread musculoskeletal pain and Chronic Fatigue disorder. The pain is often described in connective tissues, such as muscles, tendons and ligaments, which is collectively referred to as the fibrous tissue, it does not usually involve joint pain.

Some other symptoms associated with FM are;

Pain – usually widespread over the body, usually in the back, shoulders, neck, and other joint areas.

Chronic Fatigue – often described in arms, legs and all over. FM patients also describe brain fatigue.

Sleep Disorder 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome          

Chronic Headaches        

Sensitivities - to odours, light, sound, food, skin sensitivities etc…        

TMJD – Temporo-mandipular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome – severe pain in the face or head, usually associated with muscles and ligaments of the face.        

Impaired Coordination

Cognitive Dysfunction – Memory and thinking problems, more commonly called ‘brain fog’.    


Like with the other Chronic Fatigue Syndrome illnesses, there is currently no cure for Fibromyalgia, however there are some medications that can help to relieve symptoms.

Causes are still unknown; however there are many triggering events that have been thought to cause FM and CFS, from an infection, a development of another illness, trauma and stress.

Fibromyalgia (FM) versus Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Some people and Doctors think that FM is the same as CFS or at least the same variation of the same condition, however many people and Doctors treat FM separately from CFS. This is because they have symptoms in common, which include; Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Sleep problems, Chronic Headaches, TMJD, Cognitive problems (Brainfog), Dizziness, and impaired coordination. However there are significant differences.         

    Firstly which symptom between pain and fatigue is worse? Then not to get to scientific, but there have been some findings that CFS is more likely to occur after a virus and FM is more likely after a physical or emotional trauma. Findings are that FM people find heat and massage helps, compared to those with CFS who do not.

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